Thursday 2 March, 2023
A note from Mr Pardini
Student Leaders
Congratulations to our Student Leaders, who received their badges. This week, many of the factions earnt a 10 minute reward after lunch, which was to have some 'frisbee' fun. During this time, we have been highlighting to all students who our student council are so they can familiarise themsleves with the leaders of our school.
Bus children - Important note!
It has come to our attention, that in the morning some children are alighting from their school bus at Bridgetown Primary School then running down to St Brigid's. Although the bus companies have been notified it can be difficult for the drivers to always notice exactly which students exit the bus, particularly on the town buses with doors that open in the mid-section of the bus. We have also made it clear to the students they are to exit the bus at St Brigid's, however an additional conversation with your child would be appreciated, so we can ensure all children arrive safely to school.
Public Holiday
Just a reminder to all families, Monday 6 March is the long weekend. Please note this is a Pupil Free Day. The school week will commence on Tuesday 7 March in this week.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Carlo Pardini
Congratualtions Flynn!
A huge congratulations to our first MJR recipient for 2023 - Flynn Mark. I think the announcement took Flynn totally by surprise but it was not a surprise to the school community.
Here is what was written on Flynn's certificate...
Congratulations on always being a most valued member of our school. Flynn, you strive to always help others in the classroom. You are such a respectful and kind friend. Your happy and positive nature contributes to making our school a great place to be in. For the beautiful person you are, we say ‘THANK YOU!’
School Commissioning Mass
Thank you to all in our school community who attended Mass last Sunday for our Commissioning and witness our Student Leaders receive their badges. We gathered afterwards for a morning tea in the Parish Hall.
School Uniform
This week we have been focussing on our school uniform being worn correctly, with a focus on the correct shoes and socks for both our formal and sports uniforms. Wearing the school uniform with pride aligns with our school values 'Strive, Responsibility, Respect'. Students have been reminded of this and we ask for parents support by ensuring your child has the correct items (and avoid having to issue individual reminder notifications being sent home).
Footwear and socks
Formal uniform: Girls (white socks and black school shoes OR brown sandals, not joggers); Boys (grey socks and black school shoes OR brown sandals, not joggers).
Sports uniform: all students - white socks and sports joggers.
Faction Swimming Carnival
Are you ready to cheer on your child's faction? Our Faction Swimming carnival will commence at 10.00am tomorrow at the pool. Thank you to those parents who volunteered their time to set up. Your support being at the pool from 9.00am is very much appreciated. I know the P&F look forward to hosting a cake stall for families to enjoy. The day promises to be warm, so please don't forget to slip, slop, slap and seek some shade!
What's coming up?
- Friday 3 March - Faction Swimming Carnival
- Monday 6 March - Public Holiday (pupil free day)
- Friday 10 March - Interschool Swimming Carnival at Boyup Brook (10.45am)
- Tuesday 21 March - Harmony Day
Harmony Day
Canteen - Volunteer Roster
Volunteers are still required for some dates - please see below.
Week 6 | Fri 10 March - Canteen Helper |
Week 8 | Fri 24 Mar - Canteen Helper |
Week 9 | Tue 28 Mar - Canteen Helper Fri 31 Mar - Canteen Helper & Cake Maker |
Week 10 | Thu 6 Apr - Canteen Helper |
P&F Cadbury Chocolates Fundraiser
P&F 'Chocolate Box Fundraiser' orders can be placed through CDF Pay.